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Getting Started


> npm i ave-ui

Hello Window#

This example from Ave-Nodejs-Template is designed to let us get a glimpse of Ave:

clone template project and npm run dev
import {    App,    WindowCreation,    Window,    WindowFlag,    Grid,    Vec4,    AveGetSDKVersion,} from 'ave-ui';import * as path from 'path';
export function main(window: Window) {    const grid = new Grid(window);    const lightBlue = new Vec4(0, 146, 255, 255 * 0.75);    grid.SetBackColor(lightBlue);
    //    const version = AveGetSDKVersion();    console.log(        `ave sdk version: ${JSON.stringify(            version.VersionString,            null,            4,        )}, is private: ${version.IsPrivateVersion}`,    );    window.SetContent(grid);}
export function run(main: Function) {    const app = new App();
    const iconDataMap = {        WindowIcon: [            path.resolve(__dirname, '../assets/Ave#0.png'),            path.resolve(__dirname, '../assets/Ave#1.png'),            path.resolve(__dirname, '../assets/Ave#2.png'),        ],    };    const resMap = app.CreateResourceMap(app, [16, 24, 32], iconDataMap); = app;
    //    const cpWindow = new WindowCreation();    cpWindow.Title = 'Ave Template';    cpWindow.Flag |= WindowFlag.Layered;
    const window = new Window(cpWindow);    globalThis._window = window;
    window.OnCreateContent((window) => {        window.SetIcon(resMap.WindowIcon);        main(window);        return true;    });
    if (!window.CreateWindow()) process.exit(-1);
    window.SetVisible(true);    window.Activate();}
export function get3x3Grid(window: Window, width = 120, height = 32) {    const container = new Grid(window);    container.ColAddSlice(1);    container.ColAddDpx(width);    container.ColAddSlice(1);
    container.RowAddSlice(1);    container.RowAddDpx(height);    container.RowAddSlice(1);    return container;}

You will get a light blue window:

template basic

Let's understand it piece by piece. First, create an instance of App, assign it to global to avoid GC:

const app = new App(); = app;

Create resource map, which will be used as reference to icon.

const iconDataMap = {    WindowIcon: [        path.resolve(__dirname, '../assets/Ave#0.png'),        path.resolve(__dirname, '../assets/Ave#1.png'),        path.resolve(__dirname, '../assets/Ave#2.png'),    ],};const resMap = app.CreateResourceMap(    app,    [16, 24, 32] /* icon size list */,    iconDataMap,);

Create an instance of Window:

// cp: creation paramconst cpWindow = new WindowCreation();cpWindow.Title = 'Ave Template';cpWindow.Flag |= WindowFlag.Layered;
const window = new Window(cpWindow);globalThis._window = window;

In OnCreateContent:

  • set window icon using resource map
  • create content of this simple application: just a grid with background
  • print sdk version
window.OnCreateContent(window => {    window.SetIcon(resMap.WindowIcon);    main(window);    return true})
export function main(window: Window) {    const grid = new Grid(window);    const lightBlue = new Vec4(0, 146, 255, 255 * 0.75);    grid.SetBackColor(lightBlue);
    //    const version = AveGetSDKVersion();    console.log(`ave sdk version: ${JSON.stringify(version.VersionString, null, 4)}, is private: ${version.IsPrivateVersion}`);    window.SetContent(grid);}...

Boilerplate code about window creation:

if (!window.CreateWindow()) process.exit(-1);

Hello Button#

clone template project and npm run dev:button

export function main(window: Window) {    const button = new Button(window);    button.SetText('Button');    button.OnClick((sender) => {        sender.SetText('Button Clicked');        console.log('button clicked');    });
    const container = get3x3Grid(window);    container.ControlAdd(button).SetGrid(1, 1);    window.SetContent(container);}

Replace code in main, which gives us a basic application with button:


Ave app is just node app, so you can debug it as usual. For convenience, we add this launch config in template project:

{    "configurations": [        {            "name": "Launch",            "type": "node",            "request": "launch",            "args": ["./src/index.ts"],            "runtimeArgs": ["--nolazy", "-r", "ts-node/register"],            "sourceMaps": true,            "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}",            "protocol": "inspector"        }    ]}

Set some breakpoints and press Launch, you are ready to go:


Clone template project and npm run release, the output is a single exe:

40M = 30M node runtime + 10M sdk node addon


You can config app info in ave.config.ts:

import { IPackConfig } from 'ave-pack';
const config: IPackConfig = {    build: {        projectRoot: __dirname,        target: 'node14-win-x64',        input: './build/src/index.js',        output: './bin/ave-app.exe',    },    resource: {        icon: './assets/ave.ico',        productVersion: '0.0.1',        productName: 'Ave Template App',        fileVersion: '0.0.1',        companyName: 'QberSoft',        fileDescription: 'The Template App of Ave',        LegalCopyright: `© ${new Date().getFullYear()} Ave Copyright.`,    },};
export default config;