Basicexport function App() { return ( <Window> <DemoLayout> <CheckBox text="Apple" onCheck={(sender) => { const checkValue = sender.GetValue(); console.log( `check value: ${checkValue}(${CheckValue[checkValue]})`, ); }} ></CheckBox> </DemoLayout> </Window> );}
In console:
check value: 1(Checked)check value: 0(Unchecked)check value: 1(Checked)check value: 0(Unchecked)
Return false in onChecking
to cancel action. onCheck
will not be invoked in this case.
export function App() { return ( <Window> <DemoLayout> <CheckBox text="Apple" onCheck={(sender) => { const checkValue = sender.GetValue(); console.log( `check value: ${checkValue}(${CheckValue[checkValue]})`, ); }} onChecking={(sender) => { return false; }} ></CheckBox> </DemoLayout> </Window> );}
APIexport interface ICheckBoxComponentProps extends IComponentProps { text: string; onCheck?: Parameters<ICheckBox['OnCheck']>[0]; onChecking?: Parameters<ICheckBox['OnChecking']>[0];}
export enum CheckValue { Unchecked, Checked, Mixed,}
Styleexport function App() { return ( <Window> <DemoLayout> <CheckBox text="Apple" style={{ visualStyle: CheckBoxStyle.Checking, }} ></CheckBox> <CheckBox text="Apple" style={{ visualStyle: CheckBoxStyle.Pushing, }} ></CheckBox> </DemoLayout> </Window> );}
interface IDemoLayoutProps { children?: any[] | any; width?: string; height?: string;}
function DemoLayout(props: IDemoLayoutProps) { const width = props?.width ?? '120dpx'; const height = props?.height ?? '32dpx';
const demoLayout = { columns: `1 ${width} ${width} ${width} 1`, rows: `1 ${height} 1`, areas: { left: { row: 1, column: 1 }, right: { row: 1, column: 3 }, }, }; const [left, right] = props.children; return ( <Grid style={{ layout: demoLayout }}> <Grid style={{ area: demoLayout.areas.left }}>{left}</Grid> <Grid style={{ area: demoLayout.areas.right }}>{right}</Grid> </Grid> );}
Check box in button style:
APIexport interface ICheckBoxComponentProps extends IComponentProps { style?: ICheckBoxStyle;}
export interface ICheckBoxStyle extends IComponentStyle { visualStyle?: CheckBoxStyle;}
export enum CheckBoxStyle { Checking, Pushing,}
Statusexport function App() { return ( <Window> <DemoLayout> <CheckBox text="Apple" triple></CheckBox> <CheckBox text="Apple" triple style={{ visualStyle: CheckBoxStyle.Pushing }} ></CheckBox> </DemoLayout> </Window> );}
Mixed status:
APIexport interface ICheckBoxComponentProps extends IComponentProps { triple?: boolean;}
Practice: select allIn this practice, we will implement select-all: Ant Design: CheckBox.
Text Colorexport function App() { return ( <Window> <DemoLayout> <CheckBox text="Apple" style={{ color: new Vec4(0, 146, 255, 255 * 0.75) }} ></CheckBox> </DemoLayout> </Window> );}
APIexport interface ICheckBoxComponentProps extends IComponentProps { style?: ICheckBoxStyle;}
export interface ICheckBoxStyle extends IComponentStyle { color?: Vec4;}
Practice Solutions#
select allexport function App() { const options = ['React', 'Vue', 'Svelte']; const [checkedSet, setCheckedSet] = useState(new Set<string>()); const [valueCheckAll, setValueCheckAll] = useState(CheckValue.Unchecked);
const onCheck: ICheckBoxComponentProps['onCheck'] = (sender) => { const text = sender.GetText(); const checkValue = sender.GetValue(); const clone = new Set(checkedSet);
if (checkValue === CheckValue.Checked) { clone.add(text); } else if (checkValue === CheckValue.Unchecked) { clone.delete(text); }
setCheckedSet(clone); };
const onCheckingAll: ICheckBoxComponentProps['onChecking'] = (sender) => { const next = sender.GetNextValue(); if ( valueCheckAll === CheckValue.Unchecked && next === CheckValue.Checked ) { setCheckedSet(new Set(options)); } else if ( valueCheckAll === CheckValue.Checked && next === CheckValue.Mixed ) { setCheckedSet(new Set()); } else if ( valueCheckAll === CheckValue.Mixed && next === CheckValue.Unchecked ) { setCheckedSet(new Set(options)); }
return false; };
useEffect(() => { if (checkedSet.size === options.length) { setValueCheckAll(CheckValue.Checked); } else if (checkedSet.size === 0) { setValueCheckAll(CheckValue.Unchecked); } else { setValueCheckAll(CheckValue.Mixed); } }, [checkedSet]);
return ( <Window> <DemoLayout> <CheckBox text="Use all" triple value={valueCheckAll} onChecking={onCheckingAll} ></CheckBox> { => ( <CheckBox key={each} text={each} onCheck={onCheck} value={ checkedSet.has(each) ? CheckValue.Checked : CheckValue.Unchecked } ></CheckBox> ))} </DemoLayout> </Window> );}
interface IDemoLayoutProps { children?: any[] | any; width?: string; height?: string;}
function DemoLayout(props: IDemoLayoutProps) { const width = props?.width ?? '120dpx'; const height = props?.height ?? '32dpx';
const demoLayout = { columns: `1 ${width} ${width} ${width} 1`, rows: `1 ${height} ${height} 1`, areas: { useAll: { row: 1, column: 1 }, react: { row: 2, column: 1 }, vue: { row: 2, column: 2 }, svelte: { row: 2, column: 3 }, }, }; const [useAll, react, vue, svelte] = props.children;
return ( <Grid style={{ layout: demoLayout }}> <Grid style={{ area: demoLayout.areas.useAll }}>{useAll}</Grid> <Grid style={{ area: demoLayout.areas.react }}>{react}</Grid> <Grid style={{ area: demoLayout.areas.vue }}>{vue}</Grid> <Grid style={{ area: demoLayout.areas.svelte }}>{svelte}</Grid> </Grid> );}