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import { Window, CheckBox, CheckValue } from 'ave-ui';
export function main(window: Window) {    const checkBox = new CheckBox(window);    checkBox.SetText('Apple');    checkBox.OnCheck((sender: CheckBox) => {        const checkValue = sender.GetValue();        console.log(`check value: ${checkValue}(${CheckValue[checkValue]})`);    });
    const container = getControlDemoContainer(window);    container.ControlAdd(checkBox).SetGrid(1, 1);    window.SetContent(container);}


check box basic

In console:

check value: 1(Checked)check value: 0(Unchecked)check value: 1(Checked)check value: 0(Unchecked)

Return false in OnChecking to cancel action. OnCheck will not be invoked in this case.

checkBox.SetText('Apple');checkBox.OnChecking((sender: CheckBox) => {    return false;});checkBox.OnCheck((sender: CheckBox) => {    const checkValue = sender.GetValue();    console.log(`check value: ${checkValue}(${CheckValue[checkValue]})`);});

check box on checking


export interface ICheckBox extends IControl {    SetText(text: string): CheckBox;    GetText(): string;
    SetValue(value: CheckValue): CheckBox;    GetValue(): CheckValue;
    OnCheck(callback: (sender: CheckBox) => void): CheckBox;    OnChecking(callback: (sender: CheckBox) => boolean): CheckBox;}
export enum CheckValue {    Unchecked,    Checked,    Mixed,}


import { Window, CheckBox, CheckBoxStyle } from 'ave-ui';
export function main(window: Window) {    const container = getControlDemoContainer(window, 3);
    {        const checkBox = new CheckBox(window);        checkBox.SetText('Apple');        checkBox.SetCheckBoxStyle(CheckBoxStyle.Checking);
        container.ControlAdd(checkBox).SetGrid(1, 1);    }
    {        const checkBox = new CheckBox(window);        checkBox.SetText('Apple');        checkBox.SetCheckBoxStyle(CheckBoxStyle.Pushing);
        container.ControlAdd(checkBox).SetGrid(3, 1);    }

Check box in button style:

check box style


export interface ICheckBox extends IControl {    SetCheckBoxStyle(style: CheckBoxStyle): CheckBox;    GetCheckBoxStyle(): CheckBoxStyle;}
export enum CheckBoxStyle {    Checking,    Pushing,}


import { Window, CheckBox, CheckBoxStyle } from 'ave-ui';
export function main(window: Window) {    const container = getControlDemoContainer(window, 3);
    {        const checkBox = new CheckBox(window);        checkBox.SetText('Check all');        checkBox.SetTriple(true);
        container.ControlAdd(checkBox).SetGrid(1, 1);    }
    {        const checkBox = new CheckBox(window);        checkBox.SetText('Check all');        checkBox.SetTriple(true);        checkBox.SetCheckBoxStyle(CheckBoxStyle.Pushing);
        container.ControlAdd(checkBox).SetGrid(3, 1);    }

Mixed status:

check box triple


export interface ICheckBox extends IControl {    SetTriple(enableTriple: boolean): CheckBox;    GetTriple(): boolean;}
export enum CheckValue {    Unchecked,    Checked,    Mixed,}

Practice: select all#

In this practice, we will implement select-all: Ant Design: CheckBox.

check box practice select all

Text Color#

import { Window, CheckBox, Vec4 } from 'ave-ui';
export function main(window: Window) {    const checkBox = new CheckBox(window);    checkBox.SetText('Apple');
    const lightBlue = new Vec4(0, 146, 255, 255 * 0.75);    checkBox.SetTextColor(lightBlue);
    const container = getControlDemoContainer(window);    container.ControlAdd(checkBox).SetGrid(1, 1);    window.SetContent(container);}

check box text color


export interface ICheckBox extends IControl {}export interface IControl {    SetTextColor(color: Vec4): IControl;    GetTextColor(): Vec4;}

Practice Solutions#

select all#

Practice description

import { Window, CheckBox, Grid, CheckValue } from 'ave-ui';
export function main(window: Window) {    const container = getControlDemoContainer(window);
    //    let useAllCheckbox: CheckBox = null;
    //    const checkBoxes: CheckBox[] = [];    const updateCheckBoxes = (checkAll: boolean) => {        checkBoxes.forEach((each) =>            each.SetValue(checkAll ? CheckValue.Checked : CheckValue.Unchecked),        );    };
    //    const currentChecked: Set<string> = new Set();    const updateCurrentChecked = (name: string, checked: boolean) => {        if (checked) {            currentChecked.add(name);        } else {            currentChecked.delete(name);        }
        if (currentChecked.size === 0) {            useAllCheckbox.SetValue(CheckValue.Unchecked);        } else if (currentChecked.size === checkBoxes.length) {            useAllCheckbox.SetValue(CheckValue.Checked);        } else {            useAllCheckbox.SetValue(CheckValue.Mixed);        }    };
    //    const checkBoxCallback = (sender: CheckBox) => {        const checkValue = sender.GetValue();        updateCurrentChecked(            sender.GetText(),            checkValue === CheckValue.Checked,        );    };
    //    {        const checkBox = new CheckBox(window);        useAllCheckbox = checkBox;
        checkBox.SetText('Use all');        checkBox.SetTriple(true);        checkBox.OnChecking((sender: CheckBox) => {            const current = sender.GetValue();            console.log('current', current);            console.log('next', sender.GetNextValue());
            if (current === CheckValue.Unchecked) {                updateCheckBoxes(true);                return true;            } else if (current === CheckValue.Checked) {                checkBox.SetValue(CheckValue.Unchecked);                updateCheckBoxes(false);                return false;            } else if (current === CheckValue.Mixed) {                checkBox.SetValue(CheckValue.Checked);                updateCheckBoxes(true);                return false;            }        });
        container.ControlAdd(checkBox).SetGrid(1, 1);    }
    {        const checkBox = new CheckBox(window);        checkBoxes.push(checkBox);
        checkBox.SetText('React');        checkBox.OnCheck(checkBoxCallback);
        container.ControlAdd(checkBox).SetGrid(1, 2);    }
    {        const checkBox = new CheckBox(window);        checkBoxes.push(checkBox);
        checkBox.SetText('Vue');        checkBox.OnCheck(checkBoxCallback);
        container.ControlAdd(checkBox).SetGrid(2, 2);    }
    {        const checkBox = new CheckBox(window);        checkBoxes.push(checkBox);
        checkBox.SetText('Svelte');        checkBox.OnCheck(checkBoxCallback);
        container.ControlAdd(checkBox).SetGrid(3, 2);    }
function getControlDemoContainer(window: Window, count = 1) {    const container = new Grid(window);    container.ColAddSlice(1);    container.ColAddDpx(...Array.from<number>({ length: count }).fill(120));    container.ColAddDpx(...Array.from<number>({ length: count }).fill(120));    container.ColAddSlice(1);
    container.RowAddSlice(1);    container.RowAddDpx(...Array.from<number>({ length: count }).fill(32));    container.RowAddDpx(...Array.from<number>({ length: count }).fill(32));    container.RowAddSlice(1);    return container;}