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import { Window, ProgressBar, Grid } from 'ave-ui';
export function main(window: Window) {    const progressBar = new ProgressBar(window);    progressBar.SetMaximum(100).SetAnimation(true);    progressBar.SetValue(75);
    const container = getControlDemoContainer(window);    container.ControlAdd(progressBar).SetGrid(1, 1);    window.SetContent(container);}
function getControlDemoContainer(window: Window, count = 1) {    const container = new Grid(window);    container.ColAddSlice(1);    container.ColAddDpx(...Array.from<number>({ length: count }).fill(240));    container.ColAddSlice(1);
    container.RowAddSlice(1);    container.RowAddDpx(...Array.from<number>({ length: count }).fill(32));    container.RowAddSlice(1);    return container;}

In this example, we demonstrate the basic usage of progress.

SetAnimation controls the flowing light.

progress basic


export interface IProgressBar extends IControl {    SetMaximum(value: number): ProgressBar;    GetMaximum(): number;
    SetValue(value: number): ProgressBar;    GetValue(): number;
    SetAnimation(enableAnimation: boolean): ProgressBar;
    // animation is enabled: return true, else false    GetAnimation(): boolean;}


Use SetState to change the status of progress:

import { Window, ProgressBar, Grid, ProgressBarState } from 'ave-ui';
export function main(window: Window) {    const progressBar = new ProgressBar(window);    progressBar.SetMaximum(100).SetAnimation(true);    progressBar.SetValue(75);    progressBar.SetState(ProgressBarState.Normal);
    const container = getControlDemoContainer(window);    container.ControlAdd(progressBar).SetGrid(1, 1);    window.SetContent(container);}


export interface IProgressBar extends IControl {    SetState(state: ProgressBarState): ProgressBar;    GetState(): ProgressBarState;}
export enum ProgressBarState {    Normal,    Paused,    Error,    Pulse,    None,}


Step is used to set the completion percentage of each increment.

import { Window, ProgressBar, Grid } from 'ave-ui';
export function main(window: Window) {    const progressBar = new ProgressBar(window);    progressBar.SetMaximum(100).SetAnimation(true);
    // grow from 0%    progressBar.SetValue(0);
    // each increment is 1%    progressBar.SetStep(1);
    const container = getControlDemoContainer(window);    container.ControlAdd(progressBar).SetGrid(1, 1);    window.SetContent(container);
    const id = setInterval(() => {        if (progressBar.GetValue() < 100) {            //            progressBar.Step();        } else {            clearInterval(id);        }    }, 100);}

This example shows how to implement loading:

progress step


export interface IProgressBar extends IControl {    SetStep(value: number): ProgressBar;    GetStep(): number;    Step(): ProgressBar;}