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The solution of layout in Ave is Grid, we put all controls in grid, so this document begins with it.

The concept of grid is almost the same as that in A Complete Guide to Grid, the difference is that the implementation in Ave is more flexible.


Background Color#

import { Window, Grid, Vec4 } from 'ave-ui';
export function main(window: Window) {    const grid = new Grid(window);    const lightBlue = new Vec4(0, 146, 255, 255 * 0.75);    grid.SetBackColor(lightBlue);    window.SetContent(grid);}

In Ave, we use Vec4 class to represent color, the range of each component(rgba) is [0,255].

Use SetBackColor to set background color:

grid background


export interface IGrid extends IControl {    SetBackColor(vColor: Vec4): Grid;    GetBackColor(): Vec4;}

Add Control#

import { Window, Grid, Vec4 } from 'ave-ui';
export function main(window: Window) {    const container = new Grid(window);    container.ColAddSlice(1, 1, 1);    container.RowAddSlice(1, 1, 1);
    const center = new Grid(window);    const lightBlue = new Vec4(0, 146, 255, 255 * 0.75);    center.SetBackColor(lightBlue);
    container.ControlAdd(center).SetGrid(1, 1, 1, 1);    window.SetContent(container);}

In this example, we create a 3x3 grid and place another grid at the center:

add control

RowAddSlice/ColAddSlice is used to add row/column, slice makes it responsive, as shown below:



export class Grid implements IGrid {    // Add row, arg in x is ratio    RowAddSlice(...x: number[]);    ColAddSlice(...x: number[]);
    // Add row, but the arg in x is not ratio, it's dpx    RowAddDpx(...x: number[]);    ColAddDpx(...x: number[]);
    RowAddPx(...x: number[]);    ColAddPx(...x: number[]);}
export interface IGrid {    ControlAdd(control: IControl): IGridControl<IControl>;}
export interface IGridControl<T extends IControl = IControl> {    // place control in x column y row, takes xspan columns and yspan rows    // by default, size of control will be the same as the grid    SetGrid(x: number, y: number, xspan = 1 yspan = 1): IGridControl<T>;};

Practice: grid#

In this practice, we will implement something likes 24 Grids System in web: Ant Design Grid.

grid practice grid

Practice: offset#

In this practice, we will implement grid offset: Ant Design Grid: Offset.

grid practice offset


import { Window, Grid, Vec4 } from 'ave-ui';
export function main(window: Window) {    const container = new Grid(window);    container.ColAddSlice(1, 1, 1);    container.RowAddSlice(1, 1, 1);
    const center = new Grid(window);    const lightBlue = new Vec4(0, 146, 255, 255 * 0.75);    center.SetBackColor(lightBlue);
    //    const margin = new DpiMargin(        DpiSize.FromPixelScaled(100), // margin left        DpiSize.FromPixelScaled(50), // margin top        DpiSize.FromPixelScaled(0), // margin right        DpiSize.FromPixelScaled(0), // margin bottom    );
    const gridControl = container.ControlAdd(center);    gridControl.SetGrid(0, 0, 1, 1);    gridControl.SetMargin(margin);

In this example, we set margin of the blue grid as shown below:

set margin


export interface IGridControl<T extends IControl = IControl> {    SetMargin(margin: DpiMargin): IGridControl<T>;}
export class DpiMargin {    Left: DpiSize;    Top: DpiSize;    Right: DpiSize;    Bottom: DpiSize;
    static FromPixelScaled(        left: number,        top: number,        right: number,        bottom: number,    ): DpiMargin;}

Practice: gutter#

In this practice, we will implement grid gutter: Ant Design Grid: Gutter.

grid practice 2


We can also manually set position of control, but remember to set size at the same time.

import { Window, Grid, Vec4, DpiSize, DpiSize_2 } from 'ave-ui';
export function main(window: Window) {    const container = new Grid(window);    container.ColAddSlice(1, 1, 1);    container.RowAddSlice(1, 1, 1);
    const center = new Grid(window);    const lightBlue = new Vec4(0, 146, 255, 255 * 0.75);    center.SetBackColor(lightBlue);
    const gridControl = container.ControlAdd(center);    const pos = {        x: DpiSize.FromPixelScaled(100),        y: DpiSize.FromPixelScaled(50),    };    gridControl.SetPos(pos.x, pos.y);
    //    const size = new DpiSize_2(        DpiSize.FromPixelScaled(200),        DpiSize.FromPixelScaled(100),    );    gridControl.SetSize(size);    window.SetContent(container);}

Put it at the top left corner:

grid set pos


export interface IGridControl<T extends IControl = IControl> {    SetPos(x: DpiSize, y: DpiSize): IGridControl<T>;    SetSize(size: DpiSize_2): IGridControl<T>;}
export class DpiSize {    static FromPixelScaled(x: number): DpiSize;}
export class DpiSize_2 {    constructor(x: DpiSize, y: DpiSize);}


There are two ways to get transparent grid, one way is to adjust alpha of background color, another is to invoke SetOpacity.

import { Window, Grid, Vec4 } from 'ave-ui';
export function main(window: Window) {    const container = new Grid(window);    container.ColAddSlice(1, 1, 1, 1, 1);    container.RowAddSlice(1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
    const gridA = new Grid(window);    const aColor = new Vec4(0, 146, 255, 255 * 0.25);    gridA.SetBackColor(aColor);    container.ControlAdd(gridA).SetGrid(1, 1, 1, 1);
    const gridB = new Grid(window);    const bColor = new Vec4(0, 146, 255, 255);    gridB.SetBackColor(bColor);    gridB.SetOpacity(0.25);    container.ControlAdd(gridB).SetGrid(3, 1, 1, 1);

As shown below:

grid opacity

Differences are:

  • SetOpacity: all controls in grid will be affected
  • setBackColor: only background of grid will be affected

Practice Solutions#


Practice Description

import { Window, Grid, Vec4 } from 'ave-ui';
const Color = {    White: new Vec4(255, 255, 255, 255),    DarkBlue: new Vec4(0, 146, 255, 255),    LightBlue: new Vec4(0, 146, 255, 255 * 0.75),};
function createGrid(color: Vec4, window: Window) {    return new Grid(window).SetBackColor(color);}
export function main(window: Window) {    const grid = new Grid(window);
    //    grid.ColAddSlice(...Array.from<number>({ length: 24 }).fill(1));    //    grid.RowAddDpx(...[50, 25, 50, 25, 50, 25, 50, 25]);
    //    grid.ControlAdd(createGrid(Color.LightBlue, window)).SetGrid(0, 0, 24, 1);    grid.ControlAdd(createGrid(Color.White, window)).SetGrid(0, 1, 24, 1);
    grid.ControlAdd(createGrid(Color.LightBlue, window)).SetGrid(0, 2, 12, 1);    grid.ControlAdd(createGrid(Color.DarkBlue, window)).SetGrid(12, 2, 12, 1);    grid.ControlAdd(createGrid(Color.White, window)).SetGrid(0, 3, 24, 1);
    grid.ControlAdd(createGrid(Color.LightBlue, window)).SetGrid(0, 4, 8, 1);    grid.ControlAdd(createGrid(Color.DarkBlue, window)).SetGrid(8, 4, 8, 1);    grid.ControlAdd(createGrid(Color.LightBlue, window)).SetGrid(16, 4, 8, 1);    grid.ControlAdd(createGrid(Color.White, window)).SetGrid(0, 5, 24, 1);
    grid.ControlAdd(createGrid(Color.LightBlue, window)).SetGrid(0, 6, 6, 1);    grid.ControlAdd(createGrid(Color.DarkBlue, window)).SetGrid(6, 6, 6, 1);    grid.ControlAdd(createGrid(Color.LightBlue, window)).SetGrid(12, 6, 6, 1);    grid.ControlAdd(createGrid(Color.DarkBlue, window)).SetGrid(18, 6, 6, 1);


Practice Description

import { Window, Grid, Vec4 } from 'ave-ui';
const Color = {    White: new Vec4(255, 255, 255, 255),    DarkBlue: new Vec4(0, 146, 255, 255),    LightBlue: new Vec4(0, 146, 255, 255 * 0.75),};
function createGrid(color: Vec4, window: Window) {    return new Grid(window).SetBackColor(color);}
export function main(window: Window) {    const grid = new Grid(window);
    //    grid.ColAddSlice(...Array.from<number>({ length: 24 }).fill(1));
    //    grid.RowAddSlice(1);    grid.RowAddDpx(50, 25, 50, 25, 50);    grid.RowAddSlice(1);
    {        const span = 8;        const offset1 = 0;        const offset2 = offset1 + span + 8;        grid.ControlAdd(createGrid(Color.DarkBlue, window)).SetGrid(            offset1,            1,            span,            1,        );        grid.ControlAdd(createGrid(Color.DarkBlue, window)).SetGrid(            offset2,            1,            span,            1,        );    }
    {        const span = 6;        const offset1 = 6;        const offset2 = offset1 + span + 6;        grid.ControlAdd(createGrid(Color.DarkBlue, window)).SetGrid(            offset1,            3,            span,            1,        );        grid.ControlAdd(createGrid(Color.DarkBlue, window)).SetGrid(            offset2,            3,            span,            1,        );    }
    {        const span = 12;        const offset = 6;        grid.ControlAdd(createGrid(Color.DarkBlue, window)).SetGrid(            offset,            5,            span,            1,        );    }


Practice Description

We will use margin to simulate gutter:

import { Window, Grid, Vec4, DpiMargin, DpiSize } from 'ave-ui';
const Color = {    White: new Vec4(255, 255, 255, 255),    DarkBlue: new Vec4(0, 146, 255, 255),    LightBlue: new Vec4(0, 146, 255, 255 * 0.75),};
function createGrid(color: Vec4, window: Window) {    return new Grid(window).SetBackColor(color);}
export function main(window: Window) {    const grid = new Grid(window);
    //    grid.ColAddSlice(...Array.from<number>({ length: 24 }).fill(1));
    //    grid.RowAddSlice(1);    grid.RowAddDpx(50);    grid.RowAddSlice(1);
    const gutter = 50; // dpx    const margin = new DpiMargin(        DpiSize.FromPixelScaled(gutter / 2),        DpiSize.FromPixelScaled(0),        DpiSize.FromPixelScaled(gutter / 2),        DpiSize.FromPixelScaled(0),    );
    grid.ControlAdd(createGrid(Color.LightBlue, window))        .SetGrid(0, 1, 6, 1)        .SetMargin(margin);    grid.ControlAdd(createGrid(Color.DarkBlue, window))        .SetGrid(6, 1, 6, 1)        .SetMargin(margin);    grid.ControlAdd(createGrid(Color.LightBlue, window))        .SetGrid(12, 1, 6, 1)        .SetMargin(margin);    grid.ControlAdd(createGrid(Color.DarkBlue, window))        .SetGrid(18, 1, 6, 1)        .SetMargin(margin);