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import { Window, ScrollBar } from 'ave-ui';
export function main(window: Window) {    const scrollBar = new ScrollBar(window);    scrollBar.SetMinimum(0).SetMaximum(100).SetValue(50).SetShrink(false);    scrollBar.OnScrolling((sender: ScrollBar) => {        console.log(sender.GetValue());    });
    const container = getControlDemoContainer(window, 2, 120, 16);    container.ControlAdd(scrollBar).SetGrid(1, 1, 2, 1);    window.SetContent(container);}

In this example, we demonstrate the basic usage of scroll bar.

Drag it and get the current positon:

scroll bar basic

Log in console:


In the above example, we set shrink to false, which gives us a fixed size scroll bar. To be dynamically sized, set it to true:

scroll bar shrink


export interface IScrollBar extends IControl {    SetMinimum(min: number): ScrollBar;    GetMinimum(): number;
    SetMaximum(max: number): ScrollBar;    GetMaximum(): number;
    SetValue(value: number): ScrollBar;    GetValue(): number;
    SetShrink(shrink: boolean): ScrollBar;    GetShrink(): boolean;
    OnScrolling(callback: (sender: ScrollBar) => void): ScrollBar;}